18 January 2016

Flinto 1.3 With Re-Importing from Sketch

Flinto for Mac version 1.3 is available now. This version includes great new features that we’re pretty excited about (including one that’s been asked for since our original release).

Change your designs and re-import from Sketch

One of the most frequent requests we’ve received about the Flinto for Mac Sketch plugin is a way to import your Sketch file into Flinto again after making changes. The new plugin solves this issue. Changes made in Sketch will be sent to Flinto and links will be maintained. In Sketch, you can change layers, add layers, remove layers, even add new artboards, and it will all be merged into your existing Flinto for Mac document.

A short demo of the updated Flinto for Mac Sketch plugin
  • Send the same Sketch file to Flinto for Mac multiple times and Flinto will update the layers in place.
  • Send Sketch files directly to Flinto without needing to save the file first.
  • New flattening logic speeds up exports and simplifies prototypes.
  • Several import issues have been fixed, including one that caused things to be cut off and another which caused Sketch files with slice layers to fail not to work with the plugin.

Share spring values with developers

We’ve done two big things in version 1.3 to support developer handoff. First, we added a UIKit spring option to the easing inspector. When you use the UIKit spring, the values are the exact same as the ones in Apple’s frameworks so a developer can easily plug them in. We also have open-sourced our original spring implementation in Swift. It’s called the RK4 spring, and you can find it on GitHub. If you use our RK4 spring, your developer can drop in our small RK4 spring project and use the same values you use in Flinto for Mac for a precise match of spring behavior.

Android and website preset screen sizes

We’ve added the dimensions for the most popular Android devices and desktop resolutions to the new document window. Don’t forget, you always have the option to completely customize the screen size of your prototype in Flinto for Mac.

Have a layer block interactions on links underneath it

If you have a layer with a link below it, you can set the “Block Gestures Below” option to make it cover up the links below, preventing any interactions from passing through. You’ll know when you need this.

Easing curve preview in layer tags

When you animate a layer using the transition designer a tag appears. Now that tag shows a representation of the actual easing curve of your transition, so you can tell at a glance which layers have which easing curves applied to them.

Draw links directly into groups

It’s a lot easier to use the “Draw Link” tool inside groups. Instead of drawing the link outside the group and dragging it in, you can select a layer inside the group, and then draw the link and it will be placed in the group as you’d expect.

View prototypes in the Mac app after trial ends

Many customers have asked for us to provide a free way for their teammates to view prototypes on their Mac. In version 1.3, anyone can download the trial version of Flinto for Mac and continue to view (but not edit) prototypes after the trial expires.

Better scaling in preview and canvas

At certain zoom levels your screens could look weird and jagged, but now they don’t. Fantastic.

Feel free to email hello@flinto.com need any help. Our Facebook group is also a great place to get help.